Monday, 26 July 2010

Legitimate needs to be easier than Hooky

You see, if the music industry is ever to win the "battle" against illegally downloaded music then they're going to need to make their delivery systems better.

Case in point #1: Swedish House Mafia - One.
I pre-ordered this on I've tried to download it this morning (as it is supposedly released today) and the server can't handle it. Not only that, they've chopped another 36p off the EP price in order to alienate those who pre-ordered. If i'd been less patient and gone for a hooky download of it a month ago, i'd have had it there and then. Why are we being forced to wait for music that is being played on the radio and clearly ready for distribution? Its like going back to the old days of singles being promoted solidly for two months, getting released then spending one week at #4 before disappearing out of the charts within three weeks.

Case in point #2: Fake Blood - I Think I Like.
This is on Herve's Cheap Thrills label, which makes me want to buy it legitimately as i love Herve's work in general. As Scott Mills has been hammering it on Friday nights for well over a month now, you'd think an online purchase would be simple. But no. I've got to wait until the 9th of sodding August before it gets released officially or take a chance on some compilation album version which will probably be part of a contiuous mix and therefore sound terrible. Again, why the delay?

If its ready to get promo'ed out to radio stations, it'll be available via routes which won't make the artists any money. Therefore it is ready for legitimate release. Get on with it, music industry.

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