Thursday, 29 January 2009

Lady Gag.

Why not start with something current, hip, trendy and (according to the Observer) the future of music? Well, according to the high brow Oxbridge graduates who write for the broadsheets, we're going to spend all year listening to electronic music made by "tech-savvy girls with laptops". Excuse me if i don't shit myself with excitement. and are just a couple of the painfully anal column inches written on the subject and whilst i admit that there is something of an overload of skinny white blokes with guitars making highly variable music with many gaining far more praise than they deserve, the future isn't leftfield electronica.

But, of course the least leftfield exponent of this boom is current #1 single, Lady Ga Ga. Her voice sounds exactly like Christina Aguillera, but she makes songs about being so stoned she loses her mobile. How painfully modern, just like teh girlz round ere innit. The whole thing is about as credible as when Jennifer Lopez recorded her paean to clubbing Play, which was equally tedious. I don't deny that "Just Dance" is moderately catchy, but so are a number of songs i can't stand.

So anyway, if this is the future of music, i'll be taking a raincheck on 2009. Lady Ga Ga's popularity and column inches in normally music centred press has nothing with her music. If this was X-Factor, she'd be guaranteed to be through to the final as she's got the irritating story to go with it:
  • Educated in a convent, check.
  • Brought up as a strict Catholic, check.
  • Good girl gone burlesque, check.
  • "AMAZING STAGE SHOW", check.
  • "OMG!!!! FUTURE OF POP MUSIC!!!!", check.

Very few of the "tedious" guitar bands that are now being written off by the press didn't have this bullshit surrounding them when they broke through, having to rely instead on the more traditional route of having good songs.

But i suppose it could be worse. At least we're not dealing with the second coming of Sandi Thom.

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