Wednesday, 8 October 2014

All About That Bullshit

It is very easy to pour scorn upon overnight pop sensations. They appear from nowhere with an earworm laden *hit which will burrow its way in to your consciousness because every pop radio station will play it. Sometimes you'll get sick of them because they're overplayed. Other times, you just won't buy in to it from the beginning. Either way, three weeks after the blanket coverage started, you'll probably find yourself wanting to punch babies every time you hear it.

Which brings us to Meghan Trainor. She is a unique young woman. Despite being called Megan Trainer, she can spell neither of her names. There has never been an "h" in the middle of the name "Megan" and this ridiculous American practice of spelling names in "unique" ways needs to be ridiculed. Her *hit is an anthem for Americans everywhere, telling to love themselves whatever shape they are. Being Americans, they're usually spherical.

Now don't get me wrong, i don't particularly like self help songs (the sort of thing championed in years passed by Christina Aguillera and Pink), but give them some credibility. Trainor's voice when she sings is fairly passable (although overproduced to within an inch of its plastic life), but she spends most of her time talking in a whiny nasal tone which nobody could ever find remotely appealing. I think she is attempting to sound "sassy". What she achieves is "overgrown toddler mithering".